Mixing… It can make or break a great song. Whether you are a producer, an artist, or a songwriter, a great mix can make the difference between a song that gets picked up and one that doesn’t. Unfortunately, mixing can … Continued

Why Podcasts??? Breaking news… the music business is tough.  It is one of the most competitive fields you can possibly be involved in, and to complicate measures, there is a seemingly endless supply of misinformation and bad advice on how you should … Continued

As creatives, I think it’s safe to say we are constantly in search of new ways to push the boundaries of our art.  Well, for those of us that use Apple’s Logic Pro X, there’s a nearly limitless amount of … Continued

One of the best things about our NF-01 Synth is how quickly you can take sounds from your imagination and recreate them with the instrument.  Check out the video below for more information.

In this brave new world of music production where there are no rules and virtually anything is sonically possible, it’s very important to find new and exciting ways to spur our creativity as creators of music.  If you are a … Continued

It’s no secret that throughout several decades of changing genres and styles, one of the instrumental elements that has remained constant is the use of shakers and tambourines. These percussive elements are a great way to increase the energy of … Continued

The Noisefirm logo designed by Brian Buirge of GFDA has been featured in Logo Lounge 7!  Brian’s work is impeccable and we couldn’t be more happy with the mark that he created for us. You can see more of his … Continued